Nov 19, 2011

The first JCC was held.

The first Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) was held on November 3,
2011 chaired by Ms. Datin Paduka Che Asmah Bt. Ibrahim, Director of
Hazardous Substances Division of DOE.

The role of JCC is:
-       To approve the annual work plan of the Project,
-       To review the overall progress and achievements of the Project,
-       To examine major issues arising from or in connection with the Project,
-       To work out the modification of activities depending on the necessity; and
-       To discuss any other issue(s) pertinent to the smooth implication of
the Project.

Oct 27, 2011

Scenes from the kickoff seminar in Penang on 24th Oct. 2011

On 24th October 2011, the kickoff seminar in Penang was held and many stakeholders participated.
The seminar was opened by a representative from JICA Malaysia and Dato' Hassan Bin Mat, Director of DOE Penang.

Four speakers made presentations as below.

Mr. Khiruddin Mohd Idris, DOE HQ, explained the framework of the project in Penang.

Mr. Abu Hassan Mid Zain, MPPP, explained the collection system for PCs initiated with DELL, Sunshine and a NGO PEWOG.

Professor Yoshifumi Fujii, Bunkyo University in Japan, explained 1) the EU countries are very active in disseminating the concept of EPR and other environmental concepts under the concept of "Reflexive Modernity". When considering the EPR policy, it is noted that the EPR does not necessarily mean that manufactures have to pay the recycling cost, the payer should be considered so that the total social cost is minimized. He encouraged the stakeholders by adding that he expects any dynamic social change by the project.

Hideki Wada, the Team Leader of the Japanese Expert Team, emphasized that the Japanese e-waste related laws as they are cannot apply to Malaysia, after explaining the e-waste related laws in Japan. The differences of the background conditions between Japan and Malaysia should be considered. They are no more salable in Japan, while they can be sold in Malaysia.

Oct 24, 2011

Presentations in the Kickoff Seminar in Penang

You can download the handouts of the presentation in the Kickoff Seminar In Penang here.

Oct 19, 2011

Small Recyclers in Penang Island

Yesterday, we visited small recyclers in Penang Island.

It is very convenient for households and individual collectors to bring the e-wastes to those small recyclers, located inside the town.

There, we could see some e-wastes. The e-wastes.are dismantled by the small recyclers and sent to larger dealers located in outside the town.

The structure is discovered gradually.

Refrigerator from a hotel

Another expert came.

Another expert, Ms. Noriko Otsuki, arrived yesterday. She started working with us.

Oct 13, 2011

Program of the kickoff Seminar in Penang

As announced, we will have a kickoff seminar in Penang.
You can find the tentative program of it here.

Oct 12, 2011


In the previous article, the e-mail address of our assistant was wrong.

The correct address is

See also here.

Oct 11, 2011

Kickoff Seminar in Penang

We are having a kickoff seminar in Penang on 24th Oct. 2011 from 9:00 at Vistana Hotel in Penang.

DOE will explain the contents of this project and We will have a special lecture by Prof. Fujii from Japan.

The registration is required in advance. Please write to our assistant with your organization, your name and the contact telephone number, if you are interested in.

Bulky waste collection

Penang Municipal Council (MPPP) is one of the municipalities which provide the most advanced solid waste collection services, including the collection service for bulky waste.

E-waste from households are to be collected by this service.

Today, we made a site visit traveling from a waste station to the landfill via the transfer station. We could not find any e-waste in these places. Where do e-wastes go?

To discover the answer, we will visit "informal recyclers" next week.

A waste collection station in an apartment
Transfer station

Landfill for bulky waste

Oct 10, 2011

The first taskforce meeting was held on 10th Oct. 2011.

In this project, three taskforces are set up: TF-PF(Present Flow), TF-PP(Pilot Project), TF-PI(Policy Implication).

Today, the first taskforce meeting PF was held.

MPPP (Municipal Council of Penang Island) had a presentation for explaining their improvement in the field of solid waste management including e-waste collection activities.
Mr. Wada, Team Leader, explained Japanese experiences regarding e-waste focusing on the regulatory systems and the actual e-waste recycling flow, including the Pros and Cons.

Based on the two presentations, we discussed how to design the e-waste flow study and what pilot project can be designed.

We progress day by day.

Sep 29, 2011

Sep 23, 2011

We are moving to Malaysia on 28th September.
The Project is now starting!