Hideki Wada, Mr. (和田英樹)
Mr. Wada is an expert on solid waste policy with over 30 years of experiences in Japan and Asian countries, after he studied system engineering in his university. Based on the experiences, he wrote a book "Waste Planning" (2005), which was prized by a Japanese academic society on solid waste management. He is also active in teaching universities. A certified consulting engineer. Representative of "Sustainable System Design institute".Ikuo Mori, Mr. (森郁夫)

Mr. Mori is an expert on solid waste management with over 20 years of experiences as an international consultant, after he studied in England. A certified consulting engineer. Senior consultant of "Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd."
Norihisa Hirata, Mr. (平田憲久)

Atsushi Otsuka, Mr. (大塚篤)

Mr. Otsuka is an expert on solid waste management with over 15 years of experiences. He has experiences both in developing countries and in Japan, including engaging in environmental awareness-raising at grassroots level.
Noriko Otsuki, Ms. (小槻倫子)
Noriko Otsuki, Ms. (小槻倫子)