Jun 7, 2012

The Pilot Project was launched!

Since March, we prepared for the Pilot Project for collecting e-wastes from households for recycling. We discussed the concept in the Local Working Group, invited the local businesses, developed the monitoring system, designed the paper media for advertisement and prepared the opening events. Finally, we could start the Pilot Project on June 2. You can visit http://www.facebook.com/ewaste.Penang managed by the local businesses with the related organizations for the further information.

In the Pilot Project, two home electric appliance shops and two mobile phone shops are ready to collect e-wastes from households. Home electric appliance shops are offering to take back the e-wastes from households upon delivery of the purchased products, while it is a good timing for mobile phone shops to offer the customer to recycle their mobile phones in the shops upon purchase. The progress of the Pilot Project will be reported soon.

Two series of events were held for celebrating the launching.
On June 1, the opening workshop was held. The Pilot Project was celebrated by the opening remarks from Mr. Masayuki Hayashi, JICA Malaysia and Dr. Zulkifli Abdul Rahman, Deputy Director General (Operation), DOE Putrajaya. Also, Deputy Consul-General, Consulate-General of Japan in Penang attended for celebrating the Pilot Project commencement.
The local businesses who participated in the Pilot Project expressed their expectations, after Mr. Hideki Wada explained the concept of the Pilot Project.

On June 2, the opening outdoor event was held. The VIPs in Penang, including Consul-General, Consulate-General of Japan in Penang made the speeches. In the event site, nine companies and organizations including EPSON, Dell and the local businesses opened the booths appealing to the visitors about the importance of the environment. Also, the lucky draw was given to the visitor for further attention. Three official supporters including Toshiba provided their products for the lucky draw prizes.

Jun 1, 2012

Presentation in Pilot Project Worshop

The presentation in the Pilot Project Launching Workshop on June 1, 2012 can be downloaded here.