Sep 14, 2012

Training in Japan and Business Matching Seminar in Tokyo

Some members of the full recovery facilities in charge of the pilot project came to Japan in a training program coordinated by JICA. The purpose of the training program is to develop the e-waste dismantling techniques. They visited some e-waste recycling factories and experienced how to dismantle e-wastes from households. It is expected that this training will contribute to open up a new perspective of the technology and the method of processing e-wastes.
Practicing how to dismantle e-waste (at Panasonic Eco Technology Center Co., Ltd. (PETEC))(Photo provided by PETEC)

In the training programs, “Business Matching Seminar” was held on 12 September, 2012 in JICA HQ Office, Tokyo, inviting Japanese private companies, academics and mass media. JICA and the JICA expert team explained the basic statistics of Malaysian economy, rules and regulations for recycling and the findings of the pilot project so far. The participants and the two full recovery facilities got to know each other toward future mutual business opportunities.